Monday, April 30, 2012


The last few months of our lives have been completely consumed by school, work, choir performances, and this wonderful production. In December, we were asked to play Joseph and Mary in our Stake's Christmas Party/Nativity. We sang a simple, beautiful song about Christ as a baby. Then, a couple weeks later, the director of that performance emailed us to inform us that the Stake was going to put on The Sound of Music, and she would like us to audition for Liesl and Rolf.
And the rest is history.
We have so enjoyed doing this together! Pictured is '16 Going on 17', which features the only stage kiss in the entire production. We were asked multiple times whether we actually kissed, if we were brother and sister (Really, people? Really?), and finally if we were married. Everyone was overjoyed by the fact that we are indeed married, we did really kiss, and simply that we were blessed to be able to perform together. Working with Drew is so much fun. Not only is he a very talented actor and incredible singer, but he's also the cutest telegram boy I've ever seen!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! a post! And yay for Liesl and Rolf. You two should do as much of this as you possibly can (together or separately) before your life changes someday. :)
